Stepping out of the Shadows is based on the support of many individuals who have helped to programme this website and translate it into different languages so that it can reach people in as many countries as possible in their native language. Most of the helpers came from the Virtuous Pedophiles forum or are personally known to the administrators of the Shadows Project. (see the "Credits") How can I help?

Links and advertising: The easiest way to support us is to link to us and publicise the project. Step out of the shadows should attract attention, create awareness and reach as many people as possible.

Donations: For a long time, we have borne the costs of running our online projects exclusively personally. Sufficient donations could enable us to expand our activities, advertise the project and improve the website bit by bit. Here you can donate.

I have another idea to help. What now?

We are open and grateful for constructive suggestions. The best way to contact us with your idea is directly by e-mail: mail (at)